Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pain or Sleep, Pain is Better

Well it seems my last few foggy sleep filled days may have been hormonally induced. Generally around this time of the month, I have a frenzied need to clean and organize which is followed by a day of pain and then it's pretty much over. This time just long agonizing days of fatigue. If I get the choice, I will take the pain. This sucks and I have wasted half a week. now don't get me wrong. I spend a fair bit of my life wasting time, but when I have goals and plans, don't get in my way.

So of course there is always a situation, always a decision to make. Today is new year's eve. I am totally fine with having no plans. It is just another day. OK, so I have made not so much resolutions but a list of things I want to accomplish this year. I have never done this before in such a detailed way. I feel that since last year was a difficult and I feel unsuccessful year, that I need a game plan. And I feel that a list of goals broken down into smaller manageable goals - as the time management people suggest - is the perfect way to provide that added guidance that I seem to need. At any rate, it is new year's eve and a couple of weeks ago I suggested to my mom that we hang out. You know order a pizza, watch a movie, nothing crazy. But now . . . it is cold outside and all I want is to stay in my PJ's and finish organizing my movie collection.

I know I must go however. I think she will be very disappointed if I don't go over. I do want to go, it is just getting motivated. Alright, I am going, I will jump in the shower at around 7 and leave after that.

Happy New Year's everyone. I hope 2010 is as successful for you as I plan it to be for me. Play safe tonight, you know how I worry.

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