Monday, November 23, 2009

Wow, It's Been Awhile

It has been over a month since I have put up a new post. It has been a fun, busy, serious month.

I have been working midnights AND I LOVE THEM!. If I had known this four years ago, no one would ever have seen me in the bright light of day. And sadly, now that I have discovered how much I love the back shift, I can't work it because our supervisors are no longer allowing block exchanges. Why, I believe that it is part pure laziness and part vindictiveness. Lazy because of the work inputting the exchanges would be and vindictiveness because people would actually get what they want. How dare workers even try to be happy or enjoy their jobs?! At any rate, they can throw whatever they want at us. They bent me before but didn't break me. It is not going to happen now.

Then, I had a revelation that has and will continue to - if I can keep my word to myself - to improve my life on many levels. I stopped drinking for a month. It doesn't seem like a lot but I would get drunk about once a week with my buddy. My friend drinks pretty much every day and I guess the excuse that I would use to myself was that I wasn't drinking nearly as much as her. But that doesn't say anything about the guilt I was feeling, the money I was spending and how crappy I felt the next day or two after. Not to mention the fact that when I was drinking I felt invincible in front of VLT's - that all fits in the the amount of money being spent. So I just stopped. And I feel better, emotionally and physically. My days off aren't spent recovering.

But that wasn't what I meant to talk about today. My point and I do have one is about the cost of my TV/Landline/Internet bill. I was or rather still am really excited because I saved myself about $65 a month on my bill for the next twelve months. That is a total savings of $780. Where I live, there are two competing companies for TV/Landline/Internet and up until this summer, I have never paid full price because I would call and they would basically price match. Well then I upgraded to the PVR package last month. I have been paying full price since September and have been hating it. Wow TV is expensive. Well TV and internet. I don't have a landline because I have a cell phone although between you and me - when they told me they disconnected the landline, they really didn't. It is my emergency line now when I lose the cell phone.

So I have been paying $81 for TV and $50 for internet plus tax, so about $146. Now I will paying $50 for TV and $20 for internet plus tax, so about $79 for a savings of $67. Now that sounds like a wicked deal so I will update when I get the first bill but whatever. HOW MUCH DO I ROCK!

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