Sunday, December 18, 2011


I haven't made a real new year's resolution since 1999. At that time I was the "good girl" in my friend group. I was the one who always did the right thing. I always took care of others sometimes to the detriment of my own happiness or fun. So for 2000, my resolution was to do the opposite of what I would normally do. WOW! What a year! New Year's Eve 1999 was the beginning of about 5 years of fun and debauchery. It was the only resolution I have ever kept. And I was so successful at it, I did it for roughly 5 years. Unfortunately this kind of lifestyle is expensive which is part of the reason why now I am still paying for indiscretions of the past. Do I regret it? Not a penny. Perhaps I could have used a little more restraint in certain circumstances but it is what it is.

So I think it's time to grow up a little bit more. I am making a resolution - two actually - for the first time in 11 years. ONE - to go to the gym or do some sort of physical activity at least twice a year. I have bought a gym membership and hopefully that will inspire me. TWO - I need to declutter my house and life. I have way too much stuff for one person.

Wish me luck!


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